O’ Connor Utilities Recycles to Raise Funds for OCU Foundation

In an effective partnership with SE Recycling (SER), OCU has successfully raised £544.83 for the OCU Foundation and their selected charity of the year, the Teenage Cancer Trust. The OCU Foundation, led by O’Connor Utilities, aims to positively influence a range of charitable initiatives and community projects.

With help from SER, OCU responsibly recycled their obsolete IT equipment, aligning their efforts with the goal of creating a sustainable future. Through this partnership, OCU has demonstrated its commitment to environmental responsibility and to enhancing community well-being. The funds raised through this recycling initiative are now supporting the crucial work of the Teenage Cancer Trust.

The Teenage Cancer Trust, a UK charity, focuses on improving the lives of young people with cancer. They provide specialised care within NHS hospitals, offer supportive resources tailored to teenagers, and engage in fundraising to raise awareness and support for these young individuals and their families.

Graham Billsborough, Chief Information Officer at OCU, stated, “At OCU Group, we continually strive to extend the reach of our resources and foster a culture of philanthropy. Our recent partnership with SE Recycling to responsibly extend the lifespan of our IT equipment is a prime example of our efforts. We have not only reduced our environmental impact but also raised a substantial amount for Teenage Cancer Trust, a cause that both OCU and the OCU Foundation are deeply committed to supporting.”

Simon Chow, Collection Manager at SER, commented, “It has been truly inspiring to assist OCU in their commitment to sustainability. Witnessing how a company can transform recycling efforts into charitable funds highlights the significant impact businesses can achieve when they prioritise the impact they have on both the environment and society.”

SER is honoured to contribute to OCU’s fundraising efforts and is delighted to support the invaluable work of the Teenage Cancer Trust, a charity making a profound difference in the lives of young people.