One In Every 8 Deaths in Europe Linked to Environmental Pollution

In a new report published by the European Environment Agency (EEA), it has been revealed that at least one in every eight deaths in Europe are a direct result of poor quality environments.

The report noted that air pollution, climate change such as heatwaves and improper waste disposal are impacting the health and well being of the most vulnerable.

“There is a clear link between the state of the environment and the health of our population,” said Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety. Everyone must understand that by taking care of our planet we are not only saving ecosystems, but also lives, especially the ones who are the most vulnerable.”

The report shows that the number of premature deaths due to environmental factors in Europe amassed to over 400,000 per year. Within the EU, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary had the highest fraction of deaths attributable to the environment.

“We need a healthy environment if we want to lead healthy lives,” said Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency at a press conference. He emphasised in a statement the need to protect vulnerable people.

The agency and organisations alike are calling for world-wide change. Data shows that by taking the right environmental steps, countries can decrease the amount of pollution they create by even half from just the smallest changes. By working together, everyone can help reduce the amount of pollution that is generated and build towards a more sustainable environment that will last for future generations to come.

We are doing our part in creating a sustainable future for all by ensuring all waste is completely reused or recycled either by ourselves or an ethical sustainable partner. By ensuring all waste is recycled we limit the amount of pollution that would have once been generated by just throwing away electronic waste.

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