What is E-waste and how do you recycle it?

What is E-Waste?

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), more commonly known as e-waste, is made up of a wide variety of discarded and redundant electronic equipment. Electronic equipment can come in many forms including household items like irons, microwaves and fridges to more technical equipment like Computers, laptops and servers. In the UK alone it is estimated over 1.6 million tonnes of e-waste is produced each year!

How do we recycle it?

At SE Recycling we specialise in the reuse and recycling of IT equipment, ensuring devices like PCs and laptops are put back into the community with nothing going to landfill. We make sure sensitive data held on devices is completely destroyed in line with government guidelines. We then sort through all the redundant equipment to determine what assets can be refurbished and resold to customers across the UK.

Reuse First, Recycle Last

SE Recycling prioritises Reuse over recycling and this is why we ensure where possible that the IT we collect is refurbished ready to be reused again for many more years. Our refurbishment process includes many steps including re-skinning laptops, replacing or reprinting keys, replacement of components, respraying of hardware and much more to achieve a Grade A quality. We then sell our refurbished devices through a host of online platforms including Amazon, eBay and OnBuy.